
this is a personal collection of books (and stories in general) with cats in them. some of them i own, some i want to own, some i've read, and some i want to read. this is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all books involving cats. the ones collected here are in some way significant or interesting to me.

i plan to add more notes and books over time...

? title author year
Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov 1967

classic soviet novel. the devil has come to Moscow and with him is an entourage that includes the foolish Behemoth, a cat who speaks and walks upright. he's a rascal. obnoxious, lovable, and pitiable.

book cover for mikhail bulgakov's master and margarita
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 1871
Engine Summer John Crowley 1979
“A secret is not a thing you're not supposed to tell; it is a thing that can't be told.”

ethereal book. one of my favorites of all time... set in a post-post-apocalyptic earth. includes a community of people called Dr. Boots List, who live with large cats and have modeled their society around the cats' demeanors and ways of being. they practice forgetting.

book cover for john crowley's engine summer
Not Wanted on the Voyage Timothy Findley 1984
Trim Matthew Flinders 1973

biography of Trim, a cat who was born aboard and lived on a ship. written by the ship's captain, Matthew Flinders, who loved Trim.

a statue dedicated to Trim is located in Sydney, Australia.

The statue is accompanied by a plaque that reads:

“To the memory of Trim, the best and most illustrious of his race, the most affectionate of friends, faithful of servants, and best of creatures. He made the tour of the globe, and a voyage to Australia, which he circumnavigated, and was ever the delight and pleasure of his fellow voyagers.”
Millions of Cats Wanda Gág 1928
Feline Philosophy John Gray 2020

a bit too stuffy for a book about the philosophy of cats. lacks the sudden playfulness and wild energy. there are some worthwhile illuminations, however, and the book has a nice cover illustration.

We Have Always Lived in the Castle Shirley Jackson 1962
If Cats Disappeared from the World Genki Kawamura 2012
Catwings Ursula K. Le Guin 1988

illustrated by S.D. Schindler

i have yet to read these books and i look forward to them as i look forward to every sentence that Ursula has written.

my best friend Ged shares a name with a well-known wizard from Earthsea, another world of Le Guin's.

^ Ged
The Cat Office Kenji Miyazawa 1997
^ edition designed and illustrated by Kobayashi Toshiya
Once and Forever:
The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa
Kenji Miyazawa 1994

collection of short stories. includes the story Wildcat and the Acorns.

the collection also contains the story Night on the Galactic Railroad, which was adapted into an animated film in 1965 by Gisaburō Sugii. the film depicts the characters as anthropomorphic cats.

an animated biopic about Kenji Miyazawa was also produced in 1996, titled Spring and Chaos and directed by Shōji Kawamori. the people are depicted as cats in this film as well.

Tarakabako wrote a nice post about Miyazawa in anime and manga here.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Haruki Murakami 1994

the novel begins with the search for the cat Noboru Wataya.

^ Vintage Classics 2019 edition
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents Terry Pratchett 2001
The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe 1843
I Am a Cat Natsume Sōseki 1906
To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis 1997
The Man with the Compound Eyes Wu Ming-Yi 2011

translated by Darryl Sterk

currently reading and excited to find that a small kitten named Ohiyo plays a significant role in the story...

I Became a Cat Huiyu Yang 2021

handmade, risograph book about when Huiyu became a cat. a cherished book of mine.

the book on my desk, mostly white with soft blue areas. the edge of the pages are deckled.