The slick, black surface reminds you of your appearance. The surface is deeper than it seems.

continue to look into the mirror

High in the sky is a dark sun. Laughter gushes from the surface.

laugh with the sun

A terrible, never ending apartment complex reaches into the sky. A leasing agent stands outside with papers in hand.

sign the lease and get in the elevator

So many beautiful gems strewn about.
Before you are two baubles. Which will you choose?

You have walked a long way.
It's unclear how far this garden extends.
What will you do?

A vision of greener pastures

The air is filled with friendship. You have never known a space like this before.

Take a moment to remember your pets.

An empty pasture opens up before you. A lonely rancher rests against a post. The rancher ignores you and continues whistling.

to Melancholy Ranch

You get the sense that this garden isn't like any garden you've been in before. The light seems off. The temperature is hard to place. You feel a shiver move through your body.

look outside

You find an odd tome resting on a pedestal in a patch of rose bushes.

There is a lively conversation but no one around. Some insults. Some encouragement. Nonsense and poetry.

join the conversation

Your body is weak. You feel as if you've been walking in this garden for your entire life. The labor seems fruitless and the path feels pointless.

stretch your body until the boss says stop

Such good smells.

You enter a small apartment that has been converted into a kitchen and a karaoke room. The bed is a couch. The dining table is the range. The great big simmering hot pot is the source of the smells. Kiss From A Rose echoes through the room.

You have stumbled far away from the cliff. Something wicked is in that flask. You have arrived at a large river.

drink more from the flask

The garden suddenly ends in a precipitous cliff. Beyond is the great expanse of an unknown ocean.

look into the distance

You decide to rest here. There is a stump off the side of the path. The garden is still except for something small scurrying about.

follow the critter

Here is a sun setting where it shouldn't be. There should be no sun here in the garden. Unclear why it is here. Ignore its song.

follow the song of the forbidden sun

My refuge, my savior.
